A dream come true
Last night I bumped my head hard on the mental idea that I was human. I realized that all that affect me also affects others. The realization that I was not special hit me right on the top of my head and there was nothing that I could do about it. I was up the creek without a paddle as they would say.
Ok here is the gist of this morning. I awakened from a very interesting dream filled with clues and ideas that I could not comprehend during its play time. In this dream I had everything that I could ever wish for without working hard for it, then a sudden turn came about. All of a sudden a brain opened up and became filled with motion and activity beyond anything that I have every seen. Within this mind, I can see art, worlds beyond imagination, music, and writings, along with skyscrapers and loving couples with great families. Achievement was on high with positive marks in everything. Then the alarm clock went off. So what does this mean you ask?
For once in my life I realized that I have finally awaken from a long dream coated nightmare, of not working hard at what I Wanted. The thing is I have the talent and the skill, mashed against the mind and the will to get things done. However I have become complacent with mediorcre results that allowed me minor joys in life. I realized in this dream that I had to create what I wanted and be creative at doing so. Until then I would hate everything that I am doing and nothign will come of it because it will seem like labor instead of art.
The moral of my story is that life is art. It is up to you to paint the picture with the design within you mind and heart. Until you do this it will be basic and far to fundemental for you to care. Almost repetative and mundane. This will drive you into the ground without accokmplishing your personal goals. So when you awaken everyday, think for five minutes how you will apply a piece of you to what it is that you do. That is all that your life ask of you and you should ask the same of your life.
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