Saturday, November 22, 2008

A open Eye : A Realization of possibilties

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We spend the majority of every given day with our eyes shut, and that extends itself to the larger parts of our lives. In realization of this I came to a halt of some sort, that struck me hard as if lightning hit the path in which I walking on. None the less, the effect itself was enormous and there was nothing that I could do to change the moment that had transpired. All that I could do is acknowledge it and breath into myself a new life.


What led me to realize this is the day in and the day out toil that we have in our personal lives. Toil such as dramatic interactions with everything that we do as a people. It is, as if our lives are magnified, because we feel so small. Although humanity is effected by this as a whole, it seem those more succumbed to a desolate existence are more than likely to do something to get noticed. Hence Graffiti of the Hip Hop Generation/Genre. Although I consider it an art form to be reckoned with, and there is no doubt in that. Where the work was place tell us two things. One that they do not have a venue to display their talents and two that they need to display their lives the best way that they know how.

Today we have African American Culture bringing in more money than that of the slave trade, and I say that lightly. With Hip Hop and all its creative formats on display from Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and its home town of America. It has given us a sense of identity. A celebration is in order for the accomplisment and the creativity that I am sure will survive for years to come and create sub cultures and genres, that will be forces to reckon with in their own right.

People( My Dumb ass friends) have been speculating about Barack Obama's win and the world that it has affected. Under this new administration, many say that African Americans will lose all sense of self.What they will lose is a sense of loss. They will lose a sense of minor existence and live up to that which is their right. Their lives will expand in new creative ways and bring about the change that the next 4(0) {acres} years, need in order for the world to be. The mule is our spirit and we got it back.

The Acres rest on the back of a campaign that changed the globe forever. We are not loss we are not criminals, we were not lames, we were in pain.

I write all of this to say, that although we may walk around in a painfully obviouse stuper we are beyond that of gravel. We can take our faces off the ground and pull our herts up and bring to the world somethign new. With an open eye, the second one will see the world and all its possibilties.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Racism will become more prevalant

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As the days roll on I realize that racism will become more prevalent in the American communities. I have this feeling that there will be a nasty backlash of hate crimes that will cross the line and leave you wondering if the line was crossed. However that may be ,there will be violations due to those who are going to clearly unpack their bags and let out the baggage, onto unsuspecting victims.

Take for instance this case down at NC State.

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — The North Carolina NAACP wants North CarolinaState University to expel four students accused of painting racistmessages about President-elect Obama on campus.

School ChancellorJames Oblinger held a closed-door meeting Wednesday with NAACPPresident Rev. William Barber to discuss the graffiti in the campusfree expression tunnel.

Barber wants an official response within 48 hours. Oblinger says both sides have agreed to move forward.

Fourstudents admitted spray-painting the messages, including one that useda racial slur and suggested shooting Obama in the head.

Officialshave said the unidentified students won't face criminal charges becausethe writing wasn't a hate crime since it was written on a wall wherefree speech is encouraged.

Lets Discuss


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Saturday, November 15, 2008

My heart grows roots :::: The Effect of " An Open Letter to Barack Obama"- Alice Walker

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I am sitting in the coffee shop getting a awesome house recommended Chai Soy Latte with a Shot of Espresso. What a great drink it is. However this is not why I am writing this. What I wanted to share with you is what takes place afterword.

I am reading Alice Walker's, open letter to Barack Obama and I almost come to tears realizing that the letter written to Barack Obama, will affect all those who read it, which will cause the feelings towards a sense of responsibility, not matter how long lived that feeling may be, it will be felt.

What I took away from this great letter is the pain and the glory that people of color wear as a badge of honor. It has deepened my search to truth and given me the understanding to deal with it properly when I find it. To march within my heart and not for show amongst the masses. This is not a race to the finish, but one to end the insult of the dehuminizing sting of racial misunderstanding and misconcept-ion.

This letter is not only for African Americans and people of color, but for all those who see a brighter future for all of man kind. Although it is clear that Alice is askind Barack not to lose his soul in the White House, It is also evident that she has acknowledged that we must all chip in to make this a new world, under his leadership.

I want you to read this letter and tell me what you think then BUMP FORWARD to a new future.

Nov. 5, 2008

Dear Brother Obama,

Youhave no idea, really, of how profound this moment is for us. Us beingthe black people of the Southern United States. You think you know,because you are thoughtful, and you have studied our history. Butseeing you deliver the torch so many others before you carried, yearafter year, decade after decade, century after century, only to bestruck down before igniting the flame of justice and of law, is almostmore than the heart can bear. And yet, this observation is not intendedto burden you, for you are of a different time, and, indeed, because ofall the relay runners before you, North America is a different place.It is really only to say: Well done. We knew, through all thegenerations, that you were with us, in us, the best of the spirit ofAfrica and of the Americas. Knowing this, that you would actuallyappear, someday, was part of our strength. Seeing you take yourrightful place, based solely on your wisdom, stamina and character, isa balm for the weary warriors of hope, previously only sung about.

Iwould advise you to remember that you did not create the disaster thatthe world is experiencing, and you alone are not responsible forbringing the world back to balance. A primary responsibility that youdo have, however, is to cultivate happiness in your own life. To make aschedule that permits sufficient time of rest and play with yourgorgeous wife and lovely daughters. And so on. One gathers that yourfamily is large. We are used to seeing men in the White House soonbecome juiceless and as white-haired as the building; we notice theirwives and children looking strained and stressed. They soon have smilesso lacking in joy that they remind us of scissors. This is no way tolead. Nor does your family deserve this fate. One way of thinking aboutall this is: It is so bad now that there is no excuse not to relax.From your happy, relaxed state, you can model real success, which isall that so many people in the world really want. They may buy endlesscars and houses and furs and gobble up all the attention and space theycan manage, or barely manage, but this is because it is not yet clearto them that success is truly an inside job. That it is within thereach of almost everyone.

I would further advise you not to takeon other people's enemies. Most damage that others do to us is out offear, humiliation and pain. Those feelings occur in all of us, not justin those of us who profess a certain religious or racial devotion. Wemust learn actually not to have enemies, but only confused adversarieswho are ourselves in disguise. It is understood by all that you arecommander in chief of the United States and are sworn to protect ourbeloved country; this we understand, completely. However, as my motherused to say, quoting a Bible with which I often fought, "hate the sin,but love the sinner." There must be no more crushing of wholecommunities, no more torture, no more dehumanizing as a means of rulinga people's spirit. This has already happened to people of color, poorpeople, women, children. We see where this leads, where it has led.

Agood model of how to "work with the enemy" internally is presented bythe Dalai Lama, in his endless caretaking of his soul as he confrontsthe Chinese government that invaded Tibet. Because, finally, it is thesoul that must be preserved, if one is to remain a credible leader. Allelse might be lost; but when the soul dies, the connection to earth, topeoples, to animals, to rivers, to mountain ranges, purple andmajestic, also dies. And your smile, with which we watch you dogracious battle with unjust characterizations, distortions and lies, isthat expression of healthy self-worth, spirit and soul, that, kepthappy and free and relaxed, can find an answering smile in all of us,lighting our way, and brightening the world.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

In Peace and Joy,
Alice Walker

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Sunday, November 9, 2008

A little about Kem :: My plan

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Are you one of those people who think they have a plan, just to wake up one morning to realize that it was all an illusion? If this is true then welcome to the party.

I have opened my mind to many things over time that did not capture the essence of me. The time is now that I bring to light that which I seek out. I hope in laying out my ideas over the course of this week you will follow me. One thing you may realize, is that I bring a sense of pride and I even may come across rude and cocky. However I need for you to weed through what I have to say and see it for what it truly is. My plan!

So what is my plan you ask? I plan on becoming the essence of truth. For too long I have subdued that which is me and prevented myself from living in the moment. This hinder me from becoming more intelligent in social situations. This is a big road blog to earning a degree in street smarts. If the world does not react to who you are then you will not have a world to live it. Everything around you is false and you will become obsolete in your own life. A journey is to be taken not faked.

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America has now graduated from the college of reality!

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I know that I am late throwing my opinion into the ring. However I needed to take some time to believe this actually happened. So after a long weekend of celebratory inebriation, I thought it was high time that I put my two cents in.

As I was watching the news casters sweat out the moments until a new American President would be announced. I looked over at my girl friend during the commercial break and stated I am going to shave and when I get back let me know what happened. As I stepped away she pulls my arm and points to the screen in amazement. Some home there was not warning, the new station flashed across the screen, Barack Obama 44th president of the United States of America.

As my face began to drop and my heart beat changed rhythm, I dropped to my knees and kiss the carpet. Then I shouted America is Growing up. Then she asked me what did I mean by that. I responded saying, this country went through an great period of infancy thinking with very adult problems and misconceptions. Now it is beginning to step into it collegiate thinking, where its education is becoming more independent of the lies, that was funneled into its many minds. All people of color, from black to white we begin to redefine the world and the country. It will begin to administer answers to old concepts as well as to the new. That is what it is to come of age.

Then I sat down to watch an acceptance speech that I will never forget. It will forever be in the history books as one of the all time top speeches. Rhetoric at its best.

So with all of that said. I would like to point out that American can reach the level at which it needs to reach in order to become that true world power that it is. What it will become is based on how we support those we need to support, and how we hold them to that which they said they would do. However keeping in mind that we must be held to that same exact standard. It is important that we make our way together with the mind to get thing done with out delay.

As Americans we must form as a united country and together bring "The Dream". We must show other nations, and I paraphrase, that it is not about "the color but the content of ones character". Which entails ones breeding, class, or ethnic group as well, by my definition as I hope many others.

I am well aware that we must not focus on race in this new presidency. It is my hope that it is just a symbol to how far we have come as a whole nation or people. We need to not expect special favors as a people, we need to take advantage of its energy and propel our own lives in all areas of social standings. From Doctor, lawyer, street sweeper, bar tender, teacher, judge, students, and all other occupations of life. We must aim for them with pride in our learning's, and maintain them with fervor if currently we stand in these positions.

If any thing was captured or should be captured on election day. It is this; Americans are more United by common goals and dreams, if we share them together we can make the world shake at its core.

Here is the speech and time that changed my life forever. Watch them then Bump Forward.

Obama Acceptance Speech HQ (Part 1) 11/04 - Barack Obama Victory Speech November 4th 2008

Obama Acceptance Speech HQ (Part 2) 11/04 - Barack Obama Victory Speech November 4th 2008

Obama Acceptance Speech HQ (Part 3) 11/04 - Victory Speech

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sarah Palin is proof that a new education plan is needed in this country!!

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Facts are Facts! Then why is it that many people do not have a clue as to what needs to be done to get them straight. It is simple read a book other than the one that you were given in an American School, because it is more than likely that you were lied to and misinformed in the first place. I want to give you my prime candidate for misinformation or the lack there of.

Sarah "MF" Palin

How do you screw something like this up when you are running for vice president? I tell you how, she is a out of touch republican, that had one thing on her mind. Keep things the way they are and do very little to change it.

Now I do not want to jump on the band wagon with this, but it is in my best interest to do so. I must point something like this out, because she is not the only American to have lack of knowledge about Africa. She is just the first to say something that proved it in the public eye.

So what is it that we do about it. We begin with the new administration promise and hold Barack Obama to it at all cost. See it is crucial that all of America is educated on the globe and how we are all affected by ignorance. That same lack of understanding it the root cause to violince that hase plagued the globe and our wonderful united but seperated states of America. My point is clear we must all be reeducated in order to make this land a place that you would want to raise your offspring in. America and Americans have something in common, it must change.

Bump Forward!

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Were Jesse Jacksons Tears Real?

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I wanted to answer this question blindly before I read others opinions on this. So here is my response to the question I was posed about his tears last night.

hose tears were real. Now the authenticity can stem from him seeing the dream realized. They may not be for Barack as much as they are for the state of black affairs. From the perspective of what he has seen over time. This is a moment he did not see ahead of him. Think for a second when he was standing next to Martin Luther King and that bullet hits his closed warrior and mentor. From that day and may minutes and hours before that, even days, he did not see this day. Heck even after that with all the hate crimes that are peppered across the country and the rampant disrespect of the African American in shopping areas, and towns across the country. NO he did not see this day.

Those tears are as authentic as the matter that earth was formed with. I can understand that it is questionable judging from the mans hater stand point during the campaign and I am paraphrasing, " I would like to bust his balls", you would think he had it out for the man. However Jesse Jackson is human and he may have said some things that may have led us to believe that he does not like the man. However I think it was a moment of raw naked thoughts, that should not exist but did. But that does not mean that he does not want him to succeed. He only feared the success or it not happening, so he did was most crabs in the barrel do and that is make raw comments that wind up as a dirty foot in the mouth.

Just to recap his thoughts on Barack and apologies that followed:

The Rev. Jesse Jackson issued an apology to Barack Obama Wednesday for making what he called a “crude and hurtful” remark about the Illinois senator’s recent comments directed toward some members of the black community.

According to Jackson, a Fox News microphone picked up comments he meant to deliver privately that seemed to disparage the presumptive Democratic nominee for appearing to lecture the black community on morality.

Jackson didn’t elaborate on the context of his remarks, except to say he was trying to explain that Obama was hurting his relationship with black voters by recently conducting “moral” lectures at African-American churches.

Jackson’s apology came a few hours before Fox News planned to air the remarks.

Speaking to CNN Wednesday, Jackson said he feels “very distressed” over the comments.

With all of that stated I think that he is crying simply because the future is finally taking into account that Rainbow he has been pushing and electing a man for his substance and character and not for the color of his skin.

The Dream has been realized and work must be done to make it a remarkable one.

Here is some News Coverage on this moment

LA Times

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The tension before the title

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Today was a huge day in modern history. For the first time since euro recorded history and African American had the opportunity to head into the oval office. This position is huge on many levels and has tipped the scales and caused both tension and awe. People feel change in either direction, in which some fear it for various reasons and others have embraced in with hope and vigor.

I must admit that I thought, in my early years as a United States citizen I would not see this day in my youngest years. I thought that I would have to await this day for at least several more decades. One man and a nation of believers have changed that for me as I have for them. I believe fully with all my heart this change will stick in history and will perpetuate the guidance of equality that is needed in this country.

Take in to mind the bright eyes of a child who would be safer in a world where there is not native enemy. One where we are free to embrace the unified cultures and ideas. Where we are stronger and more diligent in our purpose as a nation. Greeting our neighbors from afar with a open heart and mind, willing to take them in with open arms. A world where hatred begins to die and no longer has a place to feed itself. A society where education is the key and is no longer restricted from every corner and crevice of the United land of America, within each city, district, and state, those who seek knowledge gain it. Those who are beginning to enter the systems leaves the system with every tool needed to survive and given proper directions to master their talents and gifts.

That world we speak of is minutes away. SO BUMP FORWARD : FOR WE ARE A THINKING NATION!

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Why do these people want to believe that Obama is a Muslim

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What is it with people who think that Barack Obama is a Muslim or Some Sort of Terrorist? I am scanning the internet looking for coverage of the campaign and I come across so many videos filled with hatred and lies. It is becoming painfully obviose that this nation is in pain. The people who forge ahead to maintain racism and hatred are out there. They do not want to see a nation that actually works together for the greater good of every man and women.

Take a look at these videos.

Now look at the people that are part of these midnight town hall meetings and they actually believe the things that come out of their mouths. WTF!? "A one man terror cell" "He Got the blood lines." These idiots will believe anything to keep America down.

I have many questions and it leads me to understand that although we came this far. We are still in a fight for change. Barack Obama is the bridge to change but it takes us all to make this change possible. We must confront people like this with truth and kindness, although we would like to smack them with a weed whacker.

Why is it that they choose to hide behind the lies. What town meeting are they having that they actually believe this crap. Barack Obama is a United States Senator for crying out loud.

If you are racist just say it and move on with our lives. But hiding behind fale forged pseudo information is not making your case. It is making you guys that persist with the he's a muslim crap look like racist douche bags.

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is Gossip is for those who can not climb on there own or is it something else?

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The following is my response to an article on Scientific American's website. My opinion(s) on this is to generate others thoughts and to begin taking on this silent issue to get a better understanding of it and what it means to society.

Since this is my rag I Wish to expand a bit more on the subject over time. However first I would like for you to read the actual article. After the article read my response then tell me what you think about the subject.

By Frank T. McAndrew

In the past few years I have heard more people than ever before puzzling over the 24/7 coverage of people such as Paris Hilton who are “celebrities” for no apparent reason other than we know who they are. And yet we can’t look away. The press about these individuals’ lives continues because people are obviously tuning in. Although many social critics have bemoaned this explosion of popular culture as if it reflects some kind of collective character flaw, it is in fact nothing more than the inevitable outcome of the collision between 21st-century media and Stone Age minds.

When you cut away its many layers, our fixation on popular culture reflects an intense interest in the doings of other people; this preoccupation with the lives of others is a by-product of the psychology that evolved in prehistoric times to make our ancestors socially successful. Thus, it appears that we are hardwired to be fascinated by gossip.

Only in the past decade or so have psychologists turned their attention toward the study of gossip, partially because it is difficult to define exactly what gossip is. Most researchers agree that the practice involves talk about people who are not present and that this talk is relaxed, informal and entertaining. Typically the topic of conversation also concerns information that we can make moral judgments about. Gossip appears to be pretty much the same wherever it takes place; gossip among co-workers is not qualitatively different from that among friends outside of work. Although everyone seems to detest a person who is known as a “gossip” and few people would use that label to describe themselves, it is an exceedingly unusual individual who can walk away from a juicy story about one of his or her acquaintances, and all of us have firsthand experience with the difficulty of keeping spectacular news about someone else a secret.

Why does private information about other people represent such an irresistible temptation for us? In his book Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language (Harvard University Press, 1996), psychologist Robin Dunbar of the University of Liverpool in England suggested that gossip is a mechanism for bonding social groups together, analogous to the grooming that is found in primate groups. Sarah R. Wert, now at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Peter Salovey of Yale University have proposed that gossip is one of the best tools that we have for comparing ourselves socially with others. The ultimate question, however, is, How did gossip come to serve these functions in the first place?

An Evolutionary Adaptation?
When evolutionary psychologists detect something that is shared by people of all ages, times and cultures, they usually suspect that they have stumbled on a vital aspect of human nature, something that became a part of who we are in our long-forgotten prehistoric past. Evolutionary adaptations that enabled us not only to survive but to thrive in our prehistoric environment include our appreciation of landscapes containing freshwater and vegetation, our never-ending battle with our sweet tooth and our infatuation with people who look a certain way.

It is obvious to most people that being drawn to locations that offer resources, food that provides energy, and romantic partners who appear able to help you bear and raise healthy children might well be something that evolution has selected for because of its advantages. It may not be so clear at first glance, however, how an interest in gossip could possibly be in the same league as these other preoccupations. If we think in terms of what it would have taken to be successful in our ancestral social environment, the idea may no longer seem quite so far-fetched.

As far as scientists can tell, our prehistoric forebears lived in relatively small groups where they knew everyone else in a face-to-face, long-term kind of way. Strangers were probably an infrequent and temporary phenomenon. Our caveman an­cestors had to cooperate with so-called in-group members for success against out-groups, but they also had to recognize that these same in-group members were their main competitors when it came to dividing limited resources. Living under such conditions, our ancestors faced a number of consistent adaptive problems such as remembering who was a reliable exchange partner and who was a cheater, knowing who would be a reproductively val­uable mate, and figuring out how to successfully manage friendships, alliances and family relationships.

The social intelligence needed for success in this environment required an ability to predict and influence the behavior of others, and an intense interest in the private dealings of other people would have been handy indeed and would have been strongly favored by natural selection. In short, people who were fascinated with the lives of others were simply more successful than those who were not, and it is the genes of those individuals that have come down to us through the ages. Like it or not, our inability to forsake gossip and information about other individuals is as much a part of who we are as is our inability to resist doughnuts or sex—and for the same reasons.

A related social skill that would have had a big payoff is the ability to remember details about the temperament, predictability and past behavior of individuals who are personally known to you; there would have been little use for a mind that was designed to engage in abstract statistical thinking about large numbers of unknown outsiders. In today’s world, it is advantageous to be able to think in terms of probabilities and percentages when it comes to people, because predicting the behavior of the strangers with whom we deal in everyday life requires that we do so. This task is difficult for many of us because the early wiring of the brain was guided by different needs. Thus, natural selection shaped a thirst for, and a memory to store information about, specific people; it is even well established that we have a brain area specifically dedicated to the identification of human faces.

For better or worse, this is the mental equipment we must rely on to navigate our way through a modern world filled with technology and strangers. I suppose I should not be surprised when the very same psychology students who get glassy-eyed at any mention of statistical data about human beings in general become riveted by case studies of individuals experiencing psychological problems. Successful politicians take advantage of this pervasive “power of the particular” (as cognitive psychologists call it) when they use anecdotes and personal narratives to make political points. Even Russian dictator Joseph Stalin noted that “one death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” The prevalence of reality TV shows and nightly news programs focusing on stories about a missing child or the personal gaffes of politicians is a beast of our own creation.

Is Gossip Always Bad?
The aspect of gossip that is most troubling is that in its rawest form it is a strategy used by individuals to further their own reputations and selfish interests at the expense of others. This nasty side of gossip usually overshadows the more benign ways in which it functions in society. After all, sharing gossip with another person is a sign of deep trust because you are clearly signaling that you believe that this person will not use this sensitive information in a way that will have negative consequences for you; shared secrets also have a way of bonding people together. An individual who is not included in the office gossip network is obviously an outsider who is not trusted or accepted by the group.

There is ample evidence that when it is controlled, gossip can indeed be a positive force in the life of a group. In a review of the literature published in 2004, Roy F. Baumeister of Florida State University and his colleagues concluded that gossip can be a way of learning the unwritten rules of social groups and cultures by resolving ambiguity about group norms. Gossip is also an efficient way of reminding group members about the importance of the group’s norms and values; it can be a deterrent to deviance and a tool for punishing those who transgress. Rutgers University evolutionary biologist Robert Trivers has discussed the evolutionary importance of detecting “gross cheaters” (those who fail to reciprocate altruistic acts) and “subtle cheaters” (those who reciprocate but give much less than they get). [For more on altruism and related behavior, see “The Samaritan Paradox,” by Ernst Fehr and Suzann-Viola Renninger; Scientific American Mind, Premier Issue 2004.]

Gossip can be an effective means of uncovering such information about others and an especially useful way of controlling these “free riders” who may be tempted to violate group norms of reciprocity by taking more from the group than they give in return. Studies in real-life groups such as California cattle ranchers, Maine lobster fishers and college rowing teams confirm that gossip is used in these quite different settings to enforce group norms when an individual fails to live up to the group’s expectations. In all these groups, individuals who violated expectations about sharing resources and meeting responsibilities became frequent targets of gossip and ostracism, which applied pressure on them to become better citizens. Anthropological studies of hunter-gatherer groups have typically revealed a similar social control function for gossip in these societies.

Anthropologist Christopher Boehm of the University of Southern California has proposed in his book Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior (Harvard University Press, 1999) that gossip evolved as a “leveling mechanism” for neutralizing the dom­inance tendencies of others. Boehm believes that small-scale foraging societies such as those typical during human prehistory emphasized an egalitarianism that suppressed internal competition and promoted consensus seeking in a way that made the success of one’s group extremely important to one’s own fitness. These social pressures discouraged free riders and cheaters and encouraged altruists. In such societies, the manipulation of public opinion through gossip, ridicule and ostracism became a key way of keeping potentially dominant group members in check.

Favored Types of Gossip
According to one of the pioneers of gossip research, anthropologist Jerome Barkow of Dalhousie University, we should be especially interested in information about people who matter most in our lives: rivals, mates, relatives, partners in social exchange, and high-ranking figures whose behavior can affect us. Given the proposition that our interest in gossip evolved as a way of acquiring fitness-enhancing information, Barkow also suggests that the type of knowledge that we seek should be information that can affect our social standing relative to others. Hence, we would expect to find higher interest in negative news (such as misfortunes and scandals) about high-status people and potential rivals because we could exploit it. Negative information about those lower than us in status would not be as useful. There should also be less interest in passing along negative information about our friends and relatives than about people who are not allies. Conversely, positive information (good fortune and sudden elevation of status, for example) about allies should be likely to be spread around, whereas positive information about non­allies should be less enticing because it is not useful in advancing one’s own interests.

For a variety of reasons, our interest in the doings of same-sex others ought to be especially strong. Because same-sex members of one’s own species who are close to our own age are our principal evolutionary competitors, we ought to pay special attention to them. The 18-year-old male caveman would have done much better by attending to the business of other 18-year-old males rather than the business of 50-year-old males or females of any age. Interest about members of the other sex should be strong only when their age and situational circumstances would make them appropriate as mates.

The gossip studies that my students and I have worked on at Knox College over the past decade have focused on uncovering what we are most interested in finding out about other people and what we are most likely to spread around. We have had people of all ages rank their interest in tabloid stories about celebrities, and we have asked college students to read gossip scenarios about unidentified individuals and tell us about which types of people they would most like to hear such information, about whom they would gossip and with whom they would share gossip.

In keeping with the evolutionary hypotheses suggested earlier, we have consistently found that people are most interested in gossip about individuals of the same sex as themselves who happen to be around their own age. We have also found that information that is socially useful is always of greatest interest to us: we like to know about the scandals and misfortunes of our rivals and of high-status people because this information might be valuable in social competition. Positive information about such people tends to be uninteresting to us. Finding out that someone already higher in status than ourselves has just acquired something that puts that person even further ahead of us does not supply us with ammunition that we can use to gain ground on him. Conversely, positive information about our friends and relatives is very interesting and likely to be used to our advantage whenever possible. For example, in studies that my colleagues and I published in 2002 and in 2007 in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, we consistently found that college students were not much interested in hearing about academic awards or a large inheritance if it involved one of their professors and that they were also not very interested in passing that news along to others. Yet the same information about their friends or romantic partners was rated as being quite interesting and likely to be spread around.

We have also found that an interest in the affairs of same-sex others is especially strong among females and that women have somewhat different patterns of sharing gossip than men do. For example, our studies reveal that males report being far more likely to share gossip with their romantic partners than with anyone else, but females report that they would be just as likely to share gossip with their same-sex friends as with their romantic partners. And although males are usually more interested in news about other males, females are virtually obsessed with news about other females.

This fact can be demonstrated by looking at the actual frequency with which males and females selected a same-sex person as the most interesting subject of the gossip scenarios we presented them with in one of our studies published in 2002. On hearing about someone having a date with a famous person, 43 out of 44 women selected a female as the most interesting person to know this about, as compared with 24 out of 36 males who selected a male as most interesting. Similarly, 40 out of 42 females (versus 22 out of 37 males) were most interested in same-sex academic cheaters, and 39 out of 43 were most interested in a same-sex leukemia sufferer (as opposed to only 18 out of 37 males). In fact, the only two scenarios among the 13 we studied in which males expressed more same-sex interest than females did involved hearing about an individual heavily in debt because of gambling or an individual who was having difficulty performing sexually.

Why Such Interest in Celebrities?
Even if we can explain the intense interest that we have in other people who are socially important to us, how can we possibly explain the seemingly useless interest that we have in the lives of reality-show contestants, movie stars and public figures of all kinds? One possible explanation may be found in the fact that celebrities are a recent occurrence, evolutionarily speaking. In our ancestral environment, any person about whom we knew intimate details of his or her private life was, by definition, a socially important member of the in-group. Bar­kow has pointed out that evolution did not prepare us to distinguish among members of our community who have genuine effects on our life and the images and voices that we are bombarded with by the entertainment industry. Thus, the intense familiarity with celebrities provided by the modern media trips the same gossip mechanisms that have evolved to keep up with the affairs of in-group members. After all, anyone whom we see that often and know that much about must be socially important to us. News anchors and television actors we see every day in soap operas become familiar friends.

In our modern world, celebrities may also serve another important social function. In a highly mobile, industrial society, celebrities may be the only “friends” we have in common with our new neighbors and co-workers. They provide a common interest and topic of conversation between people who otherwise might not have much to say to one another, and they facilitate the types of informal interaction that help people become comfortable in new surroundings. Hence, keeping up on the lives of actors, politicians and athletes can make a person more socially adept during interactions with strangers and even provide segues into social relationships with new friends in the virtual world of the Internet. Research published in 2007 by Charlotte J. S. De Backer, a Belgian psychologist now at the University of Leicester in England, finds that young people even look to celebrities and popular culture for learning life strategies that would have been learned from role models within one’s tribe in the old days. Teenagers in particular seem to be prone to learning how to dress, how to manage relationships and how to be socially successful in general by tuning in to popular culture.

Thus, gossip is a more complicated and socially important phenomenon than we think. When gossip is discussed seriously, the goal usually is to suppress the frequency with which it occurs in an attempt to avoid the undeniably harmful effects it often has in work groups and other social networks. This tendency, however, overlooks that gossip is part of who we are and an essential part of what makes groups function as well as they do. Perhaps it may become more productive to think of gossip as a social skill rather than as a character flaw, because it is only when we do not do it well that we get into trouble. Adopting the role of the self-righteous soul who refuses to participate in gossip at work or in other areas of your social life ultimately will be self-defeating. It will turn out to be nothing more than a ticket to social isolation. On the other hand, becoming that person who indiscriminately blabs everything you hear to anyone who will listen will quickly get you a reputation as an untrustworthy busybody. Successful gossiping is about being a good team player and sharing key information with others in a way that will not be perceived as self-serving and about understanding when to keep your mouth shut.

In short, I believe we will continue to struggle with managing the gossip networks in our daily lives and to shake our heads at what we are constantly being subjected to by the mass media, rationally dismissing it as irrelevant to anything that matters in our own lives. But in case you find yourself becoming just a tiny bit intrigued by some inane story about a celebrity, let yourself off the hook and enjoy the guilty pleasure. After all, it is only human nature.

Note: This article was originally printed with the title, "Can Gossip Be Good?"

At this stage in humanity we can survive with other means to communicate a thought on another person. However the problem is true as the observation. We as humans feel the need to have a stepping block to stand on in order to reach the top. There is a science behind this, and whether or not your needs are met by the defamation of one character or the next. Now I know that is a strong word, but I know from one Gossip hole to the next the story is never accurate.

It is much like watching the news. New reporters are always fishing for the hot story and this lead them to be sloppy and and often lazy with their approach to telling an accurate story. I have noticed in Journalism that the story is as true as the dollar. What is told is based on how much is it worth to the teller to actually spend time telling the story. With that element involved we are led down a trail of lost facts and lack of honesty for the dollar. This is no different amongst your pears. It is just the same in every circle and the media is the prime example of a huge circle with a ring leader.

Gossip will always be around. However there is a fine line between news and Gossip. One so fine that if in the wrong hands news can be come gossip, and once it is gossip, it is detrimental to all that take part in it and not just for those who are talked about. Although the subject(s) of gossip are hit the hardest and in the most obvious of places. The listeners are robbed of opportunities to bring about a relationship with the person if they are steered towards a direction that is not of their own opinion.

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