Saturday, January 10, 2009

What will we do about Oscar Grant?

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What is the cause of the action? That is most likely one of the questions that is on the mind of the people. In the case of the BART shooting, America is reminded once again that there is a long way to go in race relations. I am not one to stay on one side of the fence and look over to the other side without understanding what the aftermath will consist of.

Officer Johannes Mehserle is now at the front of the media and is the new poster child for Police Brutality. However will that be all that is served under his name. If we sit back and watch the show from our living rooms and do nothing about the way the police force is policed. We will be sure to watch this episode of another black man down by the hands of a trigger happy cop, with a misunderstanding of the African American male.

Now you have many people on this within the media so this does not take much from me. The bay area reporters are doing a good job making sure that this is reported. I am here for another reason. May my presence on the INTERNET serve a purpose for all to get up off the couch, move away from their desk, and take action by way of the the new media movement here on Internet.

We will never get back Oscar Grant, Rodney King brain functions, Sean Bells life, and the many other that never had a community behind them to speak of the tragedy that has befallen them.

Here is our chance to be a community of one world and one country. This can not continue on, it is an open wound that never gets to close because there is a police officer just waiting for a time to commit a crime against a black man and get away with it. Even if he states that he did not mean to shoot, or if he thinks that it is his tazer. He is a social tyrant and deserves to be judge as one.

Now is the time to put the pressure on this time around and make sure that we do not sit back and watch the show, but become a part of the somewhat happy ending.

The following list is a start but not a final solution.

Here are five things you can do. [RaceWire]

1. Digg the story so that the national media can pick up on it.

2. Contact BART Director Carole Ward Allen and demand that 1) the officers involved be taken off duty without pay and charged and fully prosecuted; 2) there be an independent investigation of the shooting that includes a review of training and hiring practices; and 3) BART establish an independent residents’ review board for the police Call her at 510-464-6095 or email the BART Directors at

3. Call the BART police to complain about the officers’ conduct and demand immediate action: Internal Affairs: Sergeant David Chlebowski 510.464.7029,; Chief of Police: Gary Gee 510.464.7022,

Call them toll free at 877.679.7000 and press the last four digits of the phone number you wish to reach.

4. Talk it up on your blogs, networks and talk radio shows (call Michael Baisden 877-6BADBOY or Rev. Al, etc. to get this on the national radar)

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