Saturday, March 28, 2009

Can I break the cycle

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Just the other day I realized I may be in a losing situation.  Not living in the moment has left my spirit within the confines of my home. I have to think out loud and way in advance to share my heart and soul. I can not give all of me, in any given moment. I have to premeditate my ideas as if I were to present a case. 

I am the type of individual that want and needs to thrive in the moment. I need to be able to breath in the fresh air of creativity at all time or my candle eventually burns out. The life and light within me has not been given the room to expand. I have been stifled and choked into submission, with no obvious way out of the pickle.  

So what is it exactly that I am talking about? Why am I so lost in my own thoughts? What am I to do? I can not seem to find the answers to this. As I rant on and on, I realize that I am not getting any closer to that one thing that I am looking for. Peace and solace! So what is it that I need to do in order to get that?

Come om dammit someone answer me. Some one, any one, let me know what it is that you are thinking. Are you going through this thing in which I cant seem to spell out. Are you feeling the pinch of life, as I have felt it?

What do I need to do to break the cycle of lost?

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What are the characteristic of Evil and how do they hurt relationship?s

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As we grow older in life we realize that you will come across an enemy. Those who think the do not have an enemy are fooling themselves. In most cases your enemy is within. The persona that you carry deep within ,that you do not know or care to meditate on, to banish or keep as far away from you as possible. Spiritually people are lacking so much so, that they allow themselves to pick up habits, that are not healthy to those around them or to themselves. 

In some cases do not see these character traits because they may be adored with others due to the varied relationships that they have outside of there home. In my case I dealing with one such person, who is undoubtedly adored for the work that she does. However, it my understanding that she is not the cause and affect of those in which she inspires. The advice that she gives is to an uncommon person that taps into her knowledge. This does not apply in ones life if you are the cause and affect. It only applies when you come to the table with solutions. The solutions only apply if you acknowledge your part in the cause. This is something that I try to share in my house, however it is not taken to heart in a positive way. Because she can not see past her own nose. Shortsightedness is the problem and lack of vision outside the tunnel is the cause to mistrust and what looks like manipulation.

So what are these characteristics that have manifested within us? I can only answer this from observation of others and by using myself as a catalyst to understanding what it is exactly that I am observing. In my life I have a long term relationship with someone that has not given me the same respect and honor that they require in return. It leaves me feeling dry and empty. I settle in day after day, wondering what it is that I can do in order to fix the misaligned balance that I seek to have in my life. What is it that I need to do? This questions often pops up in my mind, and as I know it is deeply embedded within my heart of hearts. 

The demon of evil that I must deal with daily is one that does not know no boundaries. It breaks all rules applied even the ones applied by its vessel. It sort of lives above the law of its own creation. So this leaves me to believe that the laws are set in place to protect, said evil, and no outside entity. So the question is, how do I know this? Well in my years, I myself have created laws and boundaries that should have been respected. But somehow I did not follow myself, which would have benefited the third party. This led to disagreements and a misguided relationship with those who were under such interaction with me. 

If you expect someone to be on time then you should do the same. If you expect someone to give you equal footing in a relationship then in return, you must do the same. However because the human ego is so intricate you do not do so, you find you way out of the broken law, so that it suits your comfort level. 

so is this something that I am facing in my life today? I believe so. I believe that deeply with all that I am. I know that it sounds like I allowed myself to be embedded in such a relationship, but that was based on a profound love and adoration's. Now it has come to the point in which I am unable to show this adoration because I do not feel that it is returned. I feel controlled and stifled at every turn I take in my own home.

So how does today's actions play on tomorrow outcome for my life? Do I need to bump forward? Do I need to sit down and analyze the situation further? What do I need to do? What are the characteristics of evil? Am I over reaction and analyzing this too deep?

Help me?

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

What the Bigot?

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I have no comment on this. I just needed to share it with the rest of you.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Racism VS. Truth and peace!

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The following thoughts are from my group journaling. I needed to share this with the rest of the world due to orders from my friends and family and my group of friends who will remain nameless.

These are thoughts that will share with you what is stirring within me due to the BART shooting of an unarmed black man, Oscar Grant. My heart goes out to his family and to those who knew him well. My heart goes out to those who feel like they can be next, my heart goes out to all those who feel anger and want to take it out on all cops and people of the white race. I write this today, because that is not the answer.

It's not the tragedies that kill us. It's the messes.
- Dorothy Parker

A lie cannot live.


Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.

Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them.


A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

In the beginning I hated you and the way that you made people feel. I hated the words you used and the words you created in order to keep a people at bay. Your ability to lie, cheat, steal, kill, disenfranchise, dehumanize, enslave and so on, has had a hold on on my mind and I did not know if it would ever let go. Then it came to me one afternoon, that I should love you, that I should embrace the power that you have given me to control your every thought.

What you have done is find yourself living a lie. Yes you may have conquered a people and enslaved their thinking causing them to feel superior instead of learning the tools need to be human. Instead you taught them how to be savages and you caused an otherwise resourceful group of people and possibly created the worlds largest murdering class the planet has ever seen.

I know you try to do all that you can to keep the murder rate high, the hatred stewing in a boiling hell you have created for man kind. However that will not last forever.

Look what you have done to your great group of people. You have lead them so far from the path of true life that their women are afraid. The sight of a black man freaks them out. To this day I have seen many a purse choked and for no reason, other than to protect themselves from a lie. The truth is it is quite funny and we have realized that we have the power now. That we can not change this world to be one people and one goal to live in a euphoric state minus fear and racism.

No longer do your victims have to live in fear of a backlash, in the fear that their victims will have an epiphany and become the once great kingdom(s) of people they once were. I tell you this racism, your victims may have once thought they were God gift to the planet, but they are beginning to awaken. To the fact that all man kind is a gift from God and no one is greater. You now have to live in fear, we have always been great and hatred you are on terrorist watch list.

Think about the times we were on our knees shining your shoes, picking your cotton, working your land, on an empty stomach and think about what we did to get away. All of that on an empty stomach with no real meal plan to sustain a human beaning. Now peace is well fed and ready to take back what belongs to harmony.

Now on my table there are choice meats, lobster and shrimp. Pies filled with the best fruits, breads of all kinds and plenty of water. Although you attempt to destroy my dinner; I eat on, although you inhabit the body of cops, lawyers, judges, clergymen, politicians, doctors, corporate leaders and peons alike. You will never make me angry. I realized that you have lied to those who believe in you and they lived in a fear that is of their own doing, all because they believed in you.

Now I know that you have tried to become a part of me, and make me fear the other. I will not do this for love is my way. Hate does not carry me through the day, it is love that gives me my power, it is compassion for my fellow man that brings me up high. I am not going to act as if you did not have a hotel in my heart, there was a moment you did and I did not know what to do. I thought I was not a friend of you but I realized that I became a close friend to you and in you. Now today, I have let you go to leave me forever. I will not separate my browns from the pinks, my yellows from the reds, my black from the whites, I will wash it all together for the world is bound together and your idea is a false way of giving a man and a people a false sense of superiorly. It back fired, it has given me a superior life

through their captivity due to trusting in you.

From seeing the new day with a new president I realized in that moment we will see who is who. America is a country, the people make it a community, and they have secured it with hope, by selecting a new leader that displays the power of one world and one country. This is within his skin, this is within his soul, this is within the life that he has lived.

From the beginning of time you have made attempts to enclave the hearts of the world and the people in it. You have come in many forms, however the day has come that man kind is awakening to you. Although you may still have some in your grasp that number is becoming smaller and smaller. I guess it is time to call it a good night. Then again I think that you will make one last attempt to maintain your superiority or your disillusion of what you think is strength. You will sneak into the hearts of Cops like you do every night, but the world can see it now clear as day. That poor cop has not one bit of his life left all because you had to ruin it and along with that you took a life. That is two lives for one, and that makes you feel that you are winning and I know you will keep trying. But I know my humanity and I know human kind, they are tired and you will lose this battle. The war is almost of and peace is winning. So count you minor chips, I run the casino and your gambling days are over.

You may sneak into a bar fight and cause black on black crime, jump a white kid causing an outcry in an otherwise quiet town, you may spray paint racial slander on walls of schools, bathrooms, and cities. You may bring about riots, but those riots are not and will not be fought one sided, they will be fought by an idea of true justice and by people who believe in truth, not mater their skin tone or racial classification. WE ARE ONE PEOPLE AND ONE RACE!

People if you have made it this far through my rant, then I want you to meditate on this. To digest the ideas and realize exactly what it is that I am saying here. It is important that we take new ideas and create a world that is not controlled by fear and hatred. We must cultivate a world that is not filled with hatred and deceit. We must not let racism get the last laugh or the final victory.

I am asking you to look within yourselves and reevaluate the life that you life. Honestly do this!!!!

If you have ever been told that you are racist chances are that you are. Have you ever been looked at dirty and do not know why, while walking through a mall? Chances are you have done something to display your racial indifference. Have you ever worked in a store and asked the person of color if they need help when it was clear that they do not need a personal shopper? Have you ever been in a situation where you follow that same person of color around a store just to realize they make more money than you and have no plan to steal your goods? Chances are you are races!!

Those are some prime social examples of the virus that is racism and it lives inside of you. No matter your color you must take heed. Racism is a root to an evil that the will be written in the next bible and your religious book of law.

This reminds me to when Rakim stated this line in his highly underrated single Guess who's Back,' The things that I've seen will be written in your next Bible”. That statement means so much to me personally. I have seen war for what? Broken Family for what? Broken Friendships for what? Broken Communities for what? Broken teams for what? Broken lives for what? And this goes on.

Do not let racism take your soul it is all you have in the end.!

Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them.

Marting Luther King Jr.

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

What will we do about Oscar Grant?

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What is the cause of the action? That is most likely one of the questions that is on the mind of the people. In the case of the BART shooting, America is reminded once again that there is a long way to go in race relations. I am not one to stay on one side of the fence and look over to the other side without understanding what the aftermath will consist of.

Officer Johannes Mehserle is now at the front of the media and is the new poster child for Police Brutality. However will that be all that is served under his name. If we sit back and watch the show from our living rooms and do nothing about the way the police force is policed. We will be sure to watch this episode of another black man down by the hands of a trigger happy cop, with a misunderstanding of the African American male.

Now you have many people on this within the media so this does not take much from me. The bay area reporters are doing a good job making sure that this is reported. I am here for another reason. May my presence on the INTERNET serve a purpose for all to get up off the couch, move away from their desk, and take action by way of the the new media movement here on Internet.

We will never get back Oscar Grant, Rodney King brain functions, Sean Bells life, and the many other that never had a community behind them to speak of the tragedy that has befallen them.

Here is our chance to be a community of one world and one country. This can not continue on, it is an open wound that never gets to close because there is a police officer just waiting for a time to commit a crime against a black man and get away with it. Even if he states that he did not mean to shoot, or if he thinks that it is his tazer. He is a social tyrant and deserves to be judge as one.

Now is the time to put the pressure on this time around and make sure that we do not sit back and watch the show, but become a part of the somewhat happy ending.

The following list is a start but not a final solution.

Here are five things you can do. [RaceWire]

1. Digg the story so that the national media can pick up on it.

2. Contact BART Director Carole Ward Allen and demand that 1) the officers involved be taken off duty without pay and charged and fully prosecuted; 2) there be an independent investigation of the shooting that includes a review of training and hiring practices; and 3) BART establish an independent residents’ review board for the police Call her at 510-464-6095 or email the BART Directors at

3. Call the BART police to complain about the officers’ conduct and demand immediate action: Internal Affairs: Sergeant David Chlebowski 510.464.7029,; Chief of Police: Gary Gee 510.464.7022,

Call them toll free at 877.679.7000 and press the last four digits of the phone number you wish to reach.

4. Talk it up on your blogs, networks and talk radio shows (call Michael Baisden 877-6BADBOY or Rev. Al, etc. to get this on the national radar)

Creidt to My Urban Report

NEW VIDEO! Watch Carefully you may miss it the first time.

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cops shoot a black man while hand cuffed

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I do not know what to say to this. So I am just going to lead you to the source for your own examination. However I would like to say, this is something that has to stop.

I am watching the video and although it is unclear, it is apparent that something is going on that should not be going on.

Here is what I found on BET NEWS:

The attorney for a 22-year-old Black man who was shot to death by a Bay-Area California policeman on New Year’s Day says he will file a $25 million lawsuit, and he is demanding that prosecutors charge the officer with murder. “This is the most egregious shooting that I have ever seen,” said civil rights attorney John Burris, who is known for taking on high-profile police-abuse cases in the past. A videotape (see it here. Warning: Graphic Content)taken by a passenger on the train shows an officer with the Bay Area Rapid Transit Police Department standing over the Hayward, Calif., man, who was lying face down and handcuffed. The officer then appears to fire a bullet into the back of Oscar Grant III as fellow officers look on. Read the rest here.


Our Actions as humans to one another is beyond tolerable. There is going to come a time when racism like this will cause a backlash greater than man kind can handle. I am not one to predict it, but what is there else to say. Police brutality towards any man or woman is bad, but it seams to have its own agenda to target out African decedents here in the American land we call the US. Within our cities this is a major problem.

Whatever happened to protect and serve?

Bump Forward people.

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ann Coulter Neo N*%i poster child lacks reasonable opinions!

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Most are going to hate that I said this but who the Flipping cares. I think some people with a pen should be strung up and hung. This out of place, I need something to write about, blond used up bombshell, has nothing else to talk about. I think that she sold her soul long time ago and now has to fulfill the devils demands.

So now that that is off my chest here is what The Daily News had to say about her recent jab at the new first lady,Michelle Obama:

Right-wing flame thrower Ann Coulter blasts incoming First Lady Michelle Obama as a freakish Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis imitator in a book to be published next week.

In her latest screed, titled "Guilty: Liberal 'Victims' and their Assault on America," Coulter accuses the liberal left of playing the victim when in fact, she argues, they are the victimizers.

As usual, Coulter throws plenty of bombs herself.

out at the President-elect's wife, Coulter wrote, "Her obvious
imitation of Jackie O's style - the flipped-under hair, the sleeveless
A-line dresses, the short strands of fake pearls - would have been
laughable if done by anyone other than a media-designated saint."

Coulter said Cindy McCain, the wife of vanquished GOP nominee John McCain, "dressed well without freakishly imitating famous First Ladies in history."

Coulter facetiously and snidely refers to Michelle Obama as a "saint" and "Mother Teresa" and suggests that her public service career "advanced in lockstep with the political advancement of her husband."

In the book, Coulter repeatedly refers to the President-elect as "B. Hussein Obama" and complains that the media "literally wanted to have sex with him."

WTF! It seems the poster child for Adolf has no steam and will search for it in any hole that she can dig something out of. Whether it makes sense or not. If you black expect to be nitpicked for every detail of who you are and that is that.

However this is ok, while Mrs. Obama is receiving scrutiny for all the things she look like, the world will be watching, and guess what they will see how much she will get right and get done. My prediction to this is that she will be the first ladies first lady. There I said it!

Before you go. Take a look at this picture and tell me why is this acient prehistoric dino rocking the belly out and have the nerve to point out a woman that covers up?

Git er Done!

P.S. This chick is so far to the right that she is wrong. Why is her head so far up her own ass. and judging from the looks of it, that is not far to go, but I guess all the shit she talks is clogging her ears.

P.s.s. Yes I called her a Neo Nazi poster child!!!!

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