Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Morning Questions

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We wake up every Sunday morning with a barrage of thoughts, what I am sure are infamous questions amongst those who are not prepared. What is this week going to be like? Am I going to accomplish the ultimate success? Will I find my way? What the hell happened last night? Who is this next to me? Although these questions are examples of positives depending on how you look at them. They are more likely to spend time in your mind as a huge negative followed by uncertainty, that cause us to freeze up. This is the norm and something needs to be done about it.

I plan on beginning this week by eliminating the negatives associated with the thoughts and look at the positive. Take for instance, the who is this next to me question. The first thoughts in your mind should lead you to want to get to know the person better. All to often we awaken from Hot Drunken sex, sober and ready for the world, but soon roll over to realize that we have a guest. An invited guest that we need to know better. However after sobriety we tell the lie, it is when we are drunk we tell the truth. When one inhibitions are broken down, you get the real person. So take into account that what you have there is a piece of the real you lying next to you. Deal with it and get it right this time.

Whether you are male or female you have dealt with this. I have as a male dealt with it in the past and I am re hatching these thoughts to understand who I am and where I am headed. Maybe then I will be able to answer the other questions that are on that Sunday morning list. Such as will I be able to do something of significance this week?!

So if you are reading this. I challenge you to open your mind everyday to what has taken place. Use that information to build a stronger you. The well informed are powerful and those who are informed about themselves are ten times that. Be powerful by knowing thy self. All that you seek comes from within and nowhere else.

So the next time you awaken with a question in your mind. Remember these famous words.

A. Powell Davies:

Life is just a chance to grow a soul.

Abraham Lincoln:

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

Write these thoughts down in bold letters above your mirror, in your cubical, in your office, make it a wallpaper on your computer. This will remind you to take honest steps towards that which is important; yourself!