Saturday, October 25, 2008

Whole and Unique

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The journey of life consist of days and the seconds within them. The challenges of that journey is all based upon how you accomplish each moment. When you are offered to get something done get it done. No matter the scale of each task life is affected not only by the outcome but by that which we consider insignificant and useless. It is those little things that we pretend do not matter, but if they were gone we would lose ever willful piece of who we are. On the flip if that was to go an we aimed for who we are we will accomplish life, far greater than our current status.

The other day I am in the office and I realize that things are not going as planned and I am piling up work in the form of lost opportunity and lack of focus. My superiors are ringing my phone and sending me meeting request to figure out what exactly is up with me. I have very little answers formulated. All I have at this time are excuses; valid reasons that I allow to become the road block on the road to my success. Then it comes to me one night as I am review my calendar. I missed everything and my output is down by 30%. I am not writing the stories, I am half assing every attempt to produce viable works. I read through what I have to offer and I am drawing blanks as to what needs to be done.

The problem is that it dawns on me I do not fit into the puzzle correctly. I am trying to fill the wrong piece of it.  It is when I stepped out of myself and looked at the entire problem, I identified my role and accomplished my task.

It is not easy doing so because everyday of our lives we are forced to make due. We are broken down to work in areas on the global map of  survival and in doing so a large group of us are lost and can not be reclaimed. It is the few that are reclaim their niche that go for the gold and win. Just because you play Hockey does not mean you will be a great golfer. Don't get me wrong you can work at it, however if you do not love it, you do not fit. The binding glue that will take you to the future is a love for what you do. Simple plans are often big plans if they are done with love. It is then when you are loving what you do that you will be able to add your uniqueness to it and become whole.

The future is only kind to those who love themselves and what they do. So go out there look ahead and begin to apply love to what you do, and if you can not find out where you fit in the puzzle and go for it with love. Own every moment of your life as if it is your last minute to get it right and you will find success.

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