Sunday, December 21, 2008

Misconception the life blood of racism

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When a African American male reached the age of maturity, he begins to see that which his parents warned him against in his former years. The ugly truth has finally shown its face and all that it is worth. Racism begins to become a part of his life more so that not. He has to tip toe around every subject and interaction and depending on his professional life, this may be more intense to deal with.

I myself have been faced with too many days of misconceived ideas of what it is to be a black man. I have not grown up in the country so for me it is more culture shock and brief moments of wonder.These moments lead me to believe that there is much to face in the coming years that we must abide by new rules if this country is to survive the war its cancer laden thoughts seems to spread amongst the living body of the human race.

As I read the article " Racial Tension In A 'Split Second'." I realized that we must analyze the disease and get to the root core of it in order to destroy race related misunderstandings amongst the known world.

In my own interaction I have become far too cognizant of what I need to say, it is to the point that it is calculated and precognition is the master of every moment in my social life. Therefore I am offering very little genuine thought to a social scene. Now allow me to be clear on this. In my hearts of hearts of hearts, all that wish for in my social interactions is to make new friends and enjoy each moment in time as if it is the only moment. However I live within a city that has very little trust of the African Tan. So when you take the time out to sit down and talk with someone of the white race, you tend to be hesitant because you do not feel that you should be put in a spotlight of skepticism. Which is something that Afro-America faces from the rest of America, and in many cases from it own affluent.

So my question to this is, so what now? What do you do when you are faced everyday with misconceived notions about who you are? What do you do when a white women rushes towards you and her cart, in walmart to grab her purse out of the baby seat in the shopping cart, just to breath a sigh of relief, after she realized you walked past without that negative intent she assumed of you? What do you do when you are faced with this everyday of your life?

African Ameircan are often thought of as having little to say in social settings. However there is more to it than meets the eyes of those suspecting individuals. African Americans have much to say and would like to share their open minds with others. However they are often faced with combating miconcepts of who they are. By the time they prove other wrong they are exhausted and in no mood to share ones worldly ideas and creative thoughts.

Thinking that placed people in boxs hurt in many ways, whether it physical or emotional the pain hurts. The war will go on and at this point it is a cold one that can in any minute reach a boiling point.

So what does humanity as a whole need to do?


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