Saturday, November 22, 2008

A open Eye : A Realization of possibilties

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We spend the majority of every given day with our eyes shut, and that extends itself to the larger parts of our lives. In realization of this I came to a halt of some sort, that struck me hard as if lightning hit the path in which I walking on. None the less, the effect itself was enormous and there was nothing that I could do to change the moment that had transpired. All that I could do is acknowledge it and breath into myself a new life.


What led me to realize this is the day in and the day out toil that we have in our personal lives. Toil such as dramatic interactions with everything that we do as a people. It is, as if our lives are magnified, because we feel so small. Although humanity is effected by this as a whole, it seem those more succumbed to a desolate existence are more than likely to do something to get noticed. Hence Graffiti of the Hip Hop Generation/Genre. Although I consider it an art form to be reckoned with, and there is no doubt in that. Where the work was place tell us two things. One that they do not have a venue to display their talents and two that they need to display their lives the best way that they know how.

Today we have African American Culture bringing in more money than that of the slave trade, and I say that lightly. With Hip Hop and all its creative formats on display from Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and its home town of America. It has given us a sense of identity. A celebration is in order for the accomplisment and the creativity that I am sure will survive for years to come and create sub cultures and genres, that will be forces to reckon with in their own right.

People( My Dumb ass friends) have been speculating about Barack Obama's win and the world that it has affected. Under this new administration, many say that African Americans will lose all sense of self.What they will lose is a sense of loss. They will lose a sense of minor existence and live up to that which is their right. Their lives will expand in new creative ways and bring about the change that the next 4(0) {acres} years, need in order for the world to be. The mule is our spirit and we got it back.

The Acres rest on the back of a campaign that changed the globe forever. We are not loss we are not criminals, we were not lames, we were in pain.

I write all of this to say, that although we may walk around in a painfully obviouse stuper we are beyond that of gravel. We can take our faces off the ground and pull our herts up and bring to the world somethign new. With an open eye, the second one will see the world and all its possibilties.

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