Sunday, November 9, 2008

America has now graduated from the college of reality!

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I know that I am late throwing my opinion into the ring. However I needed to take some time to believe this actually happened. So after a long weekend of celebratory inebriation, I thought it was high time that I put my two cents in.

As I was watching the news casters sweat out the moments until a new American President would be announced. I looked over at my girl friend during the commercial break and stated I am going to shave and when I get back let me know what happened. As I stepped away she pulls my arm and points to the screen in amazement. Some home there was not warning, the new station flashed across the screen, Barack Obama 44th president of the United States of America.

As my face began to drop and my heart beat changed rhythm, I dropped to my knees and kiss the carpet. Then I shouted America is Growing up. Then she asked me what did I mean by that. I responded saying, this country went through an great period of infancy thinking with very adult problems and misconceptions. Now it is beginning to step into it collegiate thinking, where its education is becoming more independent of the lies, that was funneled into its many minds. All people of color, from black to white we begin to redefine the world and the country. It will begin to administer answers to old concepts as well as to the new. That is what it is to come of age.

Then I sat down to watch an acceptance speech that I will never forget. It will forever be in the history books as one of the all time top speeches. Rhetoric at its best.

So with all of that said. I would like to point out that American can reach the level at which it needs to reach in order to become that true world power that it is. What it will become is based on how we support those we need to support, and how we hold them to that which they said they would do. However keeping in mind that we must be held to that same exact standard. It is important that we make our way together with the mind to get thing done with out delay.

As Americans we must form as a united country and together bring "The Dream". We must show other nations, and I paraphrase, that it is not about "the color but the content of ones character". Which entails ones breeding, class, or ethnic group as well, by my definition as I hope many others.

I am well aware that we must not focus on race in this new presidency. It is my hope that it is just a symbol to how far we have come as a whole nation or people. We need to not expect special favors as a people, we need to take advantage of its energy and propel our own lives in all areas of social standings. From Doctor, lawyer, street sweeper, bar tender, teacher, judge, students, and all other occupations of life. We must aim for them with pride in our learning's, and maintain them with fervor if currently we stand in these positions.

If any thing was captured or should be captured on election day. It is this; Americans are more United by common goals and dreams, if we share them together we can make the world shake at its core.

Here is the speech and time that changed my life forever. Watch them then Bump Forward.

Obama Acceptance Speech HQ (Part 1) 11/04 - Barack Obama Victory Speech November 4th 2008

Obama Acceptance Speech HQ (Part 2) 11/04 - Barack Obama Victory Speech November 4th 2008

Obama Acceptance Speech HQ (Part 3) 11/04 - Victory Speech

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