Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sarah Palin is proof that a new education plan is needed in this country!!

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Facts are Facts! Then why is it that many people do not have a clue as to what needs to be done to get them straight. It is simple read a book other than the one that you were given in an American School, because it is more than likely that you were lied to and misinformed in the first place. I want to give you my prime candidate for misinformation or the lack there of.

Sarah "MF" Palin

How do you screw something like this up when you are running for vice president? I tell you how, she is a out of touch republican, that had one thing on her mind. Keep things the way they are and do very little to change it.

Now I do not want to jump on the band wagon with this, but it is in my best interest to do so. I must point something like this out, because she is not the only American to have lack of knowledge about Africa. She is just the first to say something that proved it in the public eye.

So what is it that we do about it. We begin with the new administration promise and hold Barack Obama to it at all cost. See it is crucial that all of America is educated on the globe and how we are all affected by ignorance. That same lack of understanding it the root cause to violince that hase plagued the globe and our wonderful united but seperated states of America. My point is clear we must all be reeducated in order to make this land a place that you would want to raise your offspring in. America and Americans have something in common, it must change.

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