Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The tension before the title

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Today was a huge day in modern history. For the first time since euro recorded history and African American had the opportunity to head into the oval office. This position is huge on many levels and has tipped the scales and caused both tension and awe. People feel change in either direction, in which some fear it for various reasons and others have embraced in with hope and vigor.

I must admit that I thought, in my early years as a United States citizen I would not see this day in my youngest years. I thought that I would have to await this day for at least several more decades. One man and a nation of believers have changed that for me as I have for them. I believe fully with all my heart this change will stick in history and will perpetuate the guidance of equality that is needed in this country.

Take in to mind the bright eyes of a child who would be safer in a world where there is not native enemy. One where we are free to embrace the unified cultures and ideas. Where we are stronger and more diligent in our purpose as a nation. Greeting our neighbors from afar with a open heart and mind, willing to take them in with open arms. A world where hatred begins to die and no longer has a place to feed itself. A society where education is the key and is no longer restricted from every corner and crevice of the United land of America, within each city, district, and state, those who seek knowledge gain it. Those who are beginning to enter the systems leaves the system with every tool needed to survive and given proper directions to master their talents and gifts.

That world we speak of is minutes away. SO BUMP FORWARD : FOR WE ARE A THINKING NATION!