Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Were Jesse Jacksons Tears Real?

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I wanted to answer this question blindly before I read others opinions on this. So here is my response to the question I was posed about his tears last night.

hose tears were real. Now the authenticity can stem from him seeing the dream realized. They may not be for Barack as much as they are for the state of black affairs. From the perspective of what he has seen over time. This is a moment he did not see ahead of him. Think for a second when he was standing next to Martin Luther King and that bullet hits his closed warrior and mentor. From that day and may minutes and hours before that, even days, he did not see this day. Heck even after that with all the hate crimes that are peppered across the country and the rampant disrespect of the African American in shopping areas, and towns across the country. NO he did not see this day.

Those tears are as authentic as the matter that earth was formed with. I can understand that it is questionable judging from the mans hater stand point during the campaign and I am paraphrasing, " I would like to bust his balls", you would think he had it out for the man. However Jesse Jackson is human and he may have said some things that may have led us to believe that he does not like the man. However I think it was a moment of raw naked thoughts, that should not exist but did. But that does not mean that he does not want him to succeed. He only feared the success or it not happening, so he did was most crabs in the barrel do and that is make raw comments that wind up as a dirty foot in the mouth.

Just to recap his thoughts on Barack and apologies that followed:

The Rev. Jesse Jackson issued an apology to Barack Obama Wednesday for making what he called a “crude and hurtful” remark about the Illinois senator’s recent comments directed toward some members of the black community.

According to Jackson, a Fox News microphone picked up comments he meant to deliver privately that seemed to disparage the presumptive Democratic nominee for appearing to lecture the black community on morality.

Jackson didn’t elaborate on the context of his remarks, except to say he was trying to explain that Obama was hurting his relationship with black voters by recently conducting “moral” lectures at African-American churches.

Jackson’s apology came a few hours before Fox News planned to air the remarks.

Speaking to CNN Wednesday, Jackson said he feels “very distressed” over the comments.

With all of that stated I think that he is crying simply because the future is finally taking into account that Rainbow he has been pushing and electing a man for his substance and character and not for the color of his skin.

The Dream has been realized and work must be done to make it a remarkable one.

Here is some News Coverage on this moment

LA Times